
Results 7 comments of liang3588

> > > Hi, I have met the same error, have you solved that? > > > > > > not yet , i give up > > well, for...

(pytorch-3) [liangyaqian@gpu-11-71-1-201 ~]$ find /public | libopcodec -bash: libopcodec: command not found

我没有安装libomp-dev,是不是因为这个所以报找不到shared object file的错?但是我没有服务器的sudo权限,不知道该怎么安装libomp-dev这个库?

> I have the same issue. > > Windows 11 Visual Studio 2022, Version 17.1.3 CUDA V11.6.124 PyTorch v1.12.0 (py3.10_cuda11.6_cudnn8_0) CMake 3.23.0 GPU: RTX 3090 > > Using commit [466aa1c](

I have the same problem........

> > > I have the same issue. > > > Windows 11 Visual Studio 2022, Version 17.1.3 CUDA V11.6.124 PyTorch v1.12.0 (py3.10_cuda11.6_cudnn8_0) CMake 3.23.0 GPU: RTX 3090 > >...