Hey I encountered the same issue and solved it by matching the frame_id like you were saying, but now I'm running into a new issue.. The industrial reconstruction node doesn't...
Hey @marrts thank you so much I managed to generate a mesh with the pointers you suggested here! One thing I might add that might be frustrating to new users...
Hey @bahman-nouri can you post photos of the mesh you're getting?
@marrts Nice catch! @bahman-nouri yeah you would have to change your tracking frame parameter to the frame_id of those topics, which will most likely be `camera_color_optical_frame` since 'camera' is your...
@Humvee3982 How are you running noether_gui_app? I can't find the executable when I try autocomplete by tab in terminal but I can see the line adding adding executable noether_gui_app in...
@Humvee3982 I see, there isn't a `ros2 launch noether_gui ...` executable, but it can be launched with `./noether_gui_app` from `install/noether_gui/bin` This kind of sucks cause I didn't see any nodes...
@marip8 I think the basic use of Noether is rastering or combing along the surface of a provided mesh, which I think is handled pretty well at the moment. It...