
Results 4 issues of liCN

你好,majinju 使用中出现以下错误 登录时跳转到 kettle/toLogin,页面显示为 ![1]( 配置文件 ![2]( 请问是哪里的配置出现问题? 原因已找到,只要nginx 转发设置了 IP白名单,就会报错,原因未知 server { listen 80; server_name kettle; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; location / { #IP...

基于 OpenSUSE 42.3 + Python 3.4 修改测试 强制设定环境为 python3 ; 取消不建议的 xreadlines() 方法(Python 3.4+ 无法使用);使用 os.get_terminal_size().columns 取代 getTerminalSize() base OpenSUSE 42.3 + Python 3.4 force set ent as python3; remove...

使用您共享的预编译程序 在CentOS 6.10+ boost1.6.0+MySQL 5.7 启动mangosd时候报错 Using configuration file ../etc/mangosd.conf. World Database total connections: 2 MySQL client library: 5.1.73 MySQL server ver: 5.7.41 MySQL client library: 5.1.73 MySQL server ver:...

Hello Changing locate during the installation of EDB-Install .in my environment, it changed from the default to Chinese_China, and no other language sets were verified. It will cause installation errors...