minimap copied to clipboard
file name length issues between minimap & miniasm?
Hi there-- I am working w/version 0.2-r124-dirty and wondered if FASTQ file name length is still an issue.
I am attempting to take ONT base-called reads and create a Self-vs-Self mapping for miniasm (de novo assembly).
When I follow the miniasm commands for assembly, it does not seem to be able to find any reads in the paf.gz output file (from minimap):
I reviewed a previous ticket/issue and file name lengths had previously been an issue; I was wondering if this could potentially be an issue still.
minimap writes an output "" using the default flags on the github page, but (as shows above) they do not seem to get passed to miniasm (version 0.2-r168-dirty).
Any assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!