## Your Question I want to run a LIKE query using gorm. Following the documentation, the only way is to use raw SQL query as explained in this page: https://gorm.io/docs/query.html...
Hi, i have a problem with the usage of yarn (1.22.5 version) ontop an AWS EFS fillesystem. Basically, the step "Link dependencies" is very, very slow because yarn copies every...
Hi all, I have a microservice backend that must support different types of database (postgres, mariadb and sqlite). The problem is sqlite, because it doesn't support DATE/TIME fields. This is...
Hi, I cannot find the TLS dedicated package (in lua is the package kong.client.tls). How can I find the methods to handle the mTLS connection? Best regards, Lorenzo
I'm trying to run some test with your example server http://testrfc7030.com/ Using the instructions in the welcome page the enrolled certificate is correctly verified by openssl: openssl verify -CAfile dstcax3.pem...
Hi, we are using our collector with contrib plugins using ocb. The config file is the following: ``` dist: name: edge description: open telemetry collector with additional filelog receiver output_path:...