Leigh Griffin
Leigh Griffin
Thanks @Rombobeorn for logging the ticket (and for tagging me!). This is definitely something of value and as @relrod mentioned it may not be in scope right now but lets...
This service will be shared between CentOS and Fedora so I'm unsure how a logo would work unless we could give people a choice of logos to use?
I have opened a PR for this as this is a multi stage implementation. The first is to agree on a common approach for encryption and compression. The PR put...
I created a fix for this that will allow you to pull directly from a Github pages and have a default message as a fallback in case there is an...
Fix pushed for this, required some refactoring and handling of the async loading capability but this is now resolved and working.
I looked at this during Hacktoberfest last year and used one of the Node.js accessibility checkers: https://www.npmjs.com/package/accessibility-checker A few things that are easy fixes are on the static HTML to...
Hey @edeleastar I'd have an interest in helping out here. The standard [semver](https://semver.org/) approach is what you are looking for here or at least a version you can be inspired...
@edeleastar I played around with this and made a small tool on https://github.com/lgriffin/pdf-to-json that converts PDF to JSON so a few decisions need to be made here before I integrate...
That makes sense and if I can offer a suggestion for this (and other future changes), make a dedicated project Kanban board and populate it as I see several key...