
Results 6 comments of lgiammattei

Hellò everybody, I am the author of issue #89 , if i may offer any suggestion it would be to create stream file under the /home/USER folder (maybe creating anothere...

@worksofliam I noticed another "strange" behavior of the autocomplete function, again with DS. Let's say we defined a procedure block with dcl-proc; and end-proc; something like this ![immagine](https://github.com/codefori/vscode-rpgle/assets/54810977/bb29cc44-4dd8-42cf-be5f-1ecdf8ccef43) if I...

@worksofliam thank you, I'm sorry but it seem there is another issue with scoping. I have this procedure long more than a couple hundreds lines of code. I have ds...

@worksofliam the source itself is on a non public server, how can I share it with you? add a txt file to this thread?

@worksofliam here we go [XXAA3604.TXT](https://github.com/codefori/vscode-rpgle/files/15011040/XXAA3604.TXT) I've noticed, after line 198 it does not resolve, **but** after line 207 it solve it back, what a mess :-(

@worksofliam ``` Dcl-DS DSAnagraficaArbitri TEMPLATE QUALIFIED; Matricola Zoned(7:0); Cognome Char(35); Nome Char(35); CodiceFiscale Char(16); Indirizzo Char(35); Localita Char(25); Provincia Char(2); CAP Char(9); IBAN Char(27); CRA Char(2); Sezione Char(3); end-ds; ```