> @DaChaoXc Hello, > > * https://github.com/linghu8812/tensorrt_inference/blob/master/INSTALL.md#tensort-7134, > * TensorRT7 building engine has a little difference with TensorRT6. > it is recommend to build with TensorRT, because it supports...
> onnxToTRTModel 多谢大佬! 还是多装了一个cuda10.2... :)
> try modify this line: > > https://github.com/linghu8812/tensorrt_inference/blob/887cca1487395cc46a23537213201d224600a976/includes/common/common.hpp#L132 I am going to use scaled-yolov4-p5, what is the number should i change to? input_shape is 896x896x3, thanks. My computer reboot every...
> > try modify this line: > > https://github.com/linghu8812/tensorrt_inference/blob/887cca1487395cc46a23537213201d224600a976/includes/common/common.hpp#L132 > > I am going to use scaled-yolov4-p5, what is the number should i change to? input_shape is 896x896x3, thanks. >...
> When you are exporting to onnx, you need to specify the img size. So while using the trt engine, it expects the img size needs to be 640*640. yeah,...
have the same issue. ```pyhton [2020-04-24 14:35:57,169] smoke.data.datasets.evaluation.kitti.kitti_eval INFO: Evaluate on KITTI dataset Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/plain_train_net.py", line 100, in args=(args,), File "/home/holo/workspace/pyspace/SMOKE/smoke/engine/launch.py", line 56, in launch...
> @lfydegithub > > Please follow the steps l mentioned here. > > > Hi, > > You need to put offline kitti eval code under the folder "/smoke/data/datasets/evaluation/kitti/kitti_eval" >...
> @RichardSong-dev 你可以看看这个https://www.zhihu.com/question/63890195?sort=created 还有onnx关于upsample的功能描述,https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/master/docs/Changelog.md#Upsample-9 ,cos sim 大概在0.98-0.99左右说明值已经比较相似了,但是两者的实现差距,这个你得看源码去理解其中的运算差异。 大佬你好, 我转换模型时提示: cos sim between onnx and caffe models: 1.0000001192092896 请问这个数字多少是理想值呢?
```python self.H_ipm2g = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(np.float32([[0, 0], [self.ipm_w-1, 0], [0, self.ipm_h-1], [self.ipm_w-1, self.ipm_h-1]]), np.float32(args.top_view_region)) ``` 为什么ipm到top-view的H要叫做H_ipm2g? 然后这个H_ipm2g竟然真的左乘H_g2im得到了H_ipm2im, 然后求其逆, 得到了H_im2ipm. 上面的代码求出来的不应改是H_ipm2gflat吗? top-view和3d ground几件不应该还差了一个几何关系吗? ```python def transform_lane_g2gflat(h_cam, X_g, Y_g, Z_g): """ Given X coordinates...