proposal: x/tools/go/analysis: allow Analyzers to customize their behavior if a file is a test file
### Proposal Details Some analyzers need to customize their behavior based on the context in which the code is running, e.g. to restrict certain (inefficient) APIs to only be used...
x/tools/internal/refactor/inline: analyzer diffs that remove same import lead to (spurious) conflict
### Go version gc-tip (should reproduce with all versions) ### Output of `go env` in your module/workspace: ```shell N/A ``` ### What did you do? Running the inline analyzer on...
In https://github.com/bufbuild/protocompile/pull/258 I made a proof of concept for using google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect descriptors instead of the the descriptors defined in linker/descriptors.go. google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protodesc offers an API to turn file descriptor protos into...
Functions with type parameters [cannot be inlined](https://cs.opensource.google/go/x/tools/+/master:internal/refactor/inline/callee.go;l=122;drc=bcec0994e0bf81991b2e35f788768c9074a20152) at the moment. This is a feature request to make it possible to inline functions with type parameters.
See https://github.com/golang/protobuf/issues/1620 for full context. The protobuf Go implementation gerates a different output and expects a different input when converting a google.protobuf.Empty proto nested in and google.protobuf.Any proto to and...