Results 25 comments of 4565

@yangxue0827 您好,上面问题已解决。请问一下eval.py代码中怎么给真实标签呢?我现在有训练好的模型了,想直接得到AP和mAP

@yangxue0827 谢谢,那test.py和train.py有问题吗?能生成结果的txt吗?

@powermano Thank you!i solved this problems! Ask, what is your version of tensorflow and python? My tensorflow is 1.1.0, python is 2.7, when I run train.py, the following problems occur:...

@yangxue0827 ,There is another problem: InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'CropAndResize' with these attrs. Registered devices: [CPU,GPU], Registered kernels: device='CPU'; T in [DT_FLOAT]...

> ``` > I try to reproduce your experiment on icdar dataset, but meet the following problem: > ``` > ![qq 201805082215082](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33627948/39770766-8db5b458-5322-11e8-84ec-e3b1d239224a.jpg) > ![qq 201805082247052](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33627948/39770767-8e078904-5322-11e8-99ea-137e94846fff.jpg) > ![qq 201805082247292](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33627948/39770769-8e59cd40-5322-11e8-9b6e-3c09c4686acc.jpg) > It...