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convert_data_to_tfrecord.py error!
Hello,i run convert_data_to_tfrecord.py in python 3.6!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "convert_data_to_tfrecord.py", line 159, in
'img_name': _bytes_feature(img_name.encode())
Thank you!You are right, I solved problems in your way. And following: 2018-06-09 06:39:43.143172: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:140] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA restore model it is running in CPU,how to change to GPU?
@yangxue0827 您好,上面问题已解决。请问一下eval.py代码中怎么给真实标签呢?我现在有训练好的模型了,想直接得到AP和mAP
@lfdeep 你好,不建议用这个代码里的评估函数,有问题。你可以用faster作者写的评估函数,我也会在以后根新评估代码,现在太忙没有时间。
@yangxue0827 谢谢,那test.py和train.py有问题吗?能生成结果的txt吗?