Luís Gomes
Luís Gomes
I'm sorry, but I don't think that I understand your answer... Where do you want me to listen on error event? By the way, I'm already listening the error event...
I did what you asked for. ``` var q = kue.createQueue({ prefix: 'q', redis: { port: config.get(env+':queue:port'), host: config.get(env+':queue:host'), db: config.get(env+':queue:db'), auth: config.get(env+':queue:password') } }); q.on( 'error', function( err )...
I have a function A that schedules background job (send forgot password email). This is the code I use to do that: ``` var queue = require(configDir + '/libs/kue'); queue.create('EMAIL',...
But now the same problem occured without having that error :\
It looks like after a few moments of inactivity, Kue "loses" the connection to my redis instance. But, at the same time, no error pops up when saving the job...
Any news on this?