can we have a config file for ex: ``` { "plugins": [], "recurseDepth": 10, "source": { "include": [".src/features/*"], "includePattern": ".+\\.js(doc|x)?$", "excludePattern": "(^|\\/|\\\\)_" }, "sourceType": "module", "tags": { "allowUnknownTags": true, "dictionaries":...
is there a way to exclude the node_modules?
by weird I mean the docs generated shows some random stuff which I also dont know what they are exactly, probably coming from the libraries/dependecies used? Not sure!
So do you mean I should run a command such as: `documentation build ./packages/*/src/* -f html -o docs --shallow` instead?
I am getting error like: > SyntaxError: Unexpected token, expected ";" (2:14) > at _temp._raise (/Users/lf/Desktop/work/xyz/node_modules/documentation/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:799:17) after running `documentation build ./packages/*/src/* -f html -o docs --shallow`
@tmcw was wondering can we configure the include and exclude directories thru some config json file or smth similiar, currently having to use the glob patter the commands can become...
has anyone yet solved this issue on reactjs? I tried to add in the header and window.instgrm.Embeds.process(); in componentDidMount still not working
@zachfitz any idea why this is showing?
Had similiar issues on android, this fixed! EDIT: its not consistent, can't recommand as an actual fix!