
Results 14 comments of leonardo

sure thing @xyzulu - lemme re-familiarize with the codebase and I'll push a new release.

I noticed that too, there's a bug where xmrig proxy continually opens new sockets and never closes them. troubleshooted it on IRC with gary & chrono. I run xmrig-proxy on...

monitor the file descriptors compared to your open connections e.g. `watch "ls -l /proc/$(ps fu |grep xmrig |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}')/fd |wc -l"` `watch 'lsof -i -n|grep xmrig |wc...

thank you @SChernykh

@balsaboskovic @pr0vieh check your established connections, someone might be flooding your proxy. `netstat -antpl` or `ss` count how many connections you have open `netstat -antpl |wc -l` see if most...

I feel you... ``` Oct 21 18:49:47 btcnode node[28890]: {"message":"2019-10-21 18:49:47.139 GMT+2 | Syncing... | Chain: BTC | Network: mainnet | 2.92 blocks/min | Height: 414715","level":"info"} ```

Oct 21 18:49:47 btcnode node[28890]: {"message":"2019-10-21 18:49:47.139 GMT+2 | Syncing... | Chain: BTC | Network: mainnet | 2.92 blocks/min | Height: 414715","level":"info"} anybody managed to get it over 3blocks/min >400k...

I closed it because the author didn't assist us for over 6 months, hence I assume there's no interest in solving this.

we need to investigate what could be optimized, or add throttling to the requests the program sends to match CF limits.

feel free to submit a pull request where the loop waits for the time.Sleep(time.Second * limit) once it reaches about 90% of the requests limit per second.