Luis Alvarez D.

Results 23 issues of Luis Alvarez D.

When we first released Next.js Commerce to the public in our first Next.js Conf, we wanted to have a real e-commerce app that worked with BigCommerce and Next.js, as we...


The current core schema is missing multiple pieces of different commerce features and current types are not finished. Core types should be extendable by community PRs, but not inside providers....

- There should be a hook that returns the entire checkout, including payment and shipping info, e.g `useCheckout`, even if the data isn't there yet. Adding a new payment method...

Validations are a very important feature where we currently lack in Next.js Commerce . An ideal solution should: - Be opinionated, extendable, customizable, provide good defaults and be overridable -...

It's currently not fun to work with commerce types, specially for the API setup, most commerce types come from a generic named `Provider`, which is defined by every provider. Initially...

Right now every single endpoint under `pages/api` has the same code but points to a different file, we should be able to remove those files from the repo and create...


You can read more about why we want to do this here: All our core types include a TS generic that has the base types that might be used...

Our site types currently are `Category` and `Brand`, which are defined here: [framework/commerce/types/site.ts](, the `brand` type is currently set to `any` and that has to change, currently defined fields are...

Our Wishlist type is currently set to `any` and is defined here: [framework/commerce/types/wishlist.ts]( Similar to our other core types, we need to have it defined to a shape that can...