从 issues 中的这里得来的 https://github.com/objcoding/wxpay/issues/16
### Please search before asking - [X] I searched in the [issues](https://github.com/yetone/openai-translator/issues) and found nothing similar. ### OpenAI Translator version 0.1.2 ### 系统/浏览器版本 System/Browser version ubuntu 22.10 / vivaldi /...
https://archive.org/details/itunes_202207 这里的可以直接 http 下载的。 https://archive.org/download/itunes_202207/iTunes.zip
### Search before asking - [X] 在 [issues](https://github.com/yetone/openai-translator/issues) 中没有找到类似的内容。 I searched in the [issues](https://github.com/yetone/openai-translator/issues) and found nothing similar. ### feature 对用户输入的 api key 等数据进行去空格操作 ### 描述 Motivation api key 是从其他地方复制过来的,第一个字符是空格或者其他的不可见字符,导致一直无法刷新出来...
**What you want IINA to do:** Please provide an option to always display video elapsed time and total time on screen. This function is very useful when study. It can...