Cecil Curry

Results 276 comments of Cecil Curry

**This issue should be reopened,** preferably sooner than later. What part of ["Python 2.7 will not be maintained past 2020."](https://pythonclock.org) is unclear, ambiguous, or otherwise open to interpretation? What do...

> It was never closed. I was referring to this: > @kozec added the `wontfix` label Effectively, this issue was closed. Would you prefer to debate meaningless semantics? > This...

**Diversionary trainwreck alert:** you have implemented something suspiciously fast and dangerously beautiful with the homegrown private caching protocol API (HPCPAPI) that is the beating heart of `numerary`. Would incorporating that...

Actually, let's *temporarily* set aside this whole help @beartype help `numerary` (help @beartype help `numerary` (he–`Recursion Error: Left hand helping the right hand blew up the known universe, because the...

> I accept your terms... **Wondrous day.** Your posh invitation has now been shipped and should arrive shortly by bearded gnome carrier to an e-mail inbox adjacent to you. Because...

**You may now caper with glee.** Ursula Horribilis, the munificent bear deity of the North ("Praise be to Her Bloody Muzzle."), has now granted you direct write access to the...

**True story:** I passionately abhor `poetry`. `poetry` was the first to market, so it won all the mindshare. But `poetry` was also nearly impossible to install *in a sane standard...

**Linux ≠ Debian.** While popular, Debian-based Linux distributions occupy only a small fraction of the Linux space. Devolving ZeroNet from its current distro-agnostic installation instructions to distro-specific installation instructions makes...

I've had to remove ZeroNet packaging support from [my third-party Gentoo overlay](https://github.com/leycec/raiagent), as ZeroNet now depends on an obsolete CPython version (3.7) and obsolete Python dependencies (e.g., merkletree, pysha3). Without...

@rllola: Yes! Yes! That would be a stunning resurrection for a nearly-dead codebase that (for one all-too brief moment in time) was the world's funnest and funniest darknet. That said,...