Alexandre Bonnasseau
Alexandre Bonnasseau
- [x] Python improvements - [ ] C/C++ improvements # Hello, in order to increase encoding performance, we'll to convert some part of the code to C/C++ in submodule....
Hello, when using mapbox-vector-tile with some shape from Postgis this message appears in the log : > Ring Self-intersection at or near point 0 1 I've been able to isolate...
- [ ] `tuttle invalidate -q` => queries if there is something to do. Should behave like make -queries - [ ] `tuttle clean around` => should remove everything in...
For exemple, a workflow retreive images from an SD card, or anonymizing data. This goaled should be archieved with the current model if working with wildcards or dynamic dependencies Needs...
- [x] ftp - [ ] sftp - [x] https - [ ] ssh file - [x] hdfs - [x] S3
A standard way to declare constants, for exemple yaml or .ini Could be used for Pre-run dependancy graph Processes using constants should declare them as dependancies, in order to invalidate...
Javascript is a widely used language for dealing with data, espacialy for making visalizations
tuttle uses dh-virutalenv to create .deb packages with extact control over python dependencies. If this packaging system is ok for the debian community, we could submit some packages to the...
PROV model ( ) is a normalized way to describe where data come from, how it has been created, and how it has evolved, etc. tuttle could export where...
- [x] implementation of postgres resources - [x] implement other resources than tables : views, sotred procedures... What about indexes ? - [ ] implement sub bloc from tables with...