Elephant Liu
Elephant Liu
Windows ? 23333333
@ethe please take a look.
有几个项目已经迁到 pypi 上的版本了。
学习了。 不过能否解释一下,check函数为什么要有2个参数?我刚试了一下,发现把第2个参数删掉就不对了,但是不太明白为什么。
> I hacked together an external type stubs package for now: https://pypi.org/project/kubernetes-stubs/. Perhaps it's of use to some other folks! [kubernetes-stubs][1] has not provided stubs for kubernetes >= 23.0 yet...
World you please show a benchmark about the performance improvement your modifications have? If there is no obvious improvement, I'd like to do the multithreading stuffs in Python code rather...
I think any improvement is welcome unless it brings breaking changes. After looking over your code, I see that a new class with thread is introduced and the original class...
I think the changes under `.github/workflows` directory are not related. Would you please revert all changes under this directory? I do not agree with some changes of readme. Additionally, I...
Maybe this project is no longer maitained. So I forked it and renamed to `pyinotify-elephant-fork`. Try: pip install pyinotify-elephant-fork https://pypi.org/project/pyinotify-elephant-fork/