Alexey Panferov

Results 15 comments of Alexey Panferov

Concatenation has processing_time_ms debug output. It takes rougthly 50 ms to concatenate 3 point clouds according to my observations on Autoware `sample_rosbag`. Here is the plot of the `/sensing/lidar/concatenate_data_synchronizer/debug/processing_time_ms` topic....

@xmfcx I wrote some thoughts about how to handle different orders of launching. Could you please give some feedback on it? Each node has flag Registered and callback for registration...

@xmfcx Thank you for your thoughts. It is a really good idea to have > UUID for ACC so it will be easy to distinguish nodes which were registered to...

Latest updates. Heartbeat publishing was added to Autoware node class. It works as regular ros publisher on node_name/heartbeat topic with with additional QoS settings. So subscriber will be able to...

@xmfcx Could you please elaborate? > 2\. reports in last call milliseconds As for now there is heartbeat topic for each instance of Autoware node. ACC subscribes to this topic...

@xmfcx Thank you for your thoughts! > Maybe we could have a report message (`autoware_control_center_msgs::AutowareNodeReport`) in the ACC that lists the: Yes, I have the same idea. And I have...

Fixed double calling deregister service during ACC start-up procedure. AutowareNodeReports publishing was implemented in ACC. Error state receiver (service) in ACC is a wip.

Implemented AutowareNodeError service in ACC. Implemented AutowareNodeError client in AutowareNode. For now AutowareNode is able to send it state to ACC in form of AutowareNodeState msg with 4 main states:...

Implemented monitored subscription in AutowareNode but It produce error during run time in test_node ``` /home/alex/autoware.core/install/test_node/lib/test_node/test_node: symbol lookup error: /home/alex/autoware.core/install/test_node/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN13autoware_node12AutowareNode24test_create_subscriptionIN8std_msgs3msg7String_ISaIvEEESt5_BindIFMN9test_node8TestNodeEFvSt10shared_ptrIS6_EEPS9_St12_PlaceholderILi1EEEES5_N6rclcpp12SubscriptionIS6_S5_S6_S6_NSJ_23message_memory_strategy21MessageMemoryStrategyIS6_S5_EEEESN_EESA_IT2_ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKNSJ_3QoSEOT0_RKNSJ_32SubscriptionOptionsWithAllocatorIT1_EENT3_9SharedPtrE [ros2run]: Process exited with failure 127...

With @xmfcx we identified the root cause of [the issue]( to be the separation of the declaration and definition of a templated function across .cpp and .hpp files. This approach...