Lewis John McGibbney

Results 234 comments of Lewis John McGibbney

We could use https://github.com/IDLabResearch/TurtleValidator

acknowledged @graybeal good point

Thanks @pbuttigieg for detailing.

A paper which is relevant here Aquino, J. A., J. J. Allison, R. A. Rilling, D. Stott, K. Young, and M. D. Daniels, (2017). Motivation and strategies for implementing Digital...

Lets see how that conversation goes LOL

@rduerr do you want to propose a PR for this one? I don 't want to try and then screw it up. Thanks

The relevant code is at https://github.com/ESIPFed/sweet/blob/4bcfb83cabe5a12563dfcc3483df2cdf782c7e9f/src/realmCryo.ttl#L239-L242

That’s absolutely fine @rduerr thanks for letting me know.

@mhf-ir OK I tried out the new patch today ``` ./docker-tool.sh build 1.26 tika-1.27-tesseract-french.jar tesseract-ocr-fra ``` ... ``` => ERROR [dependencies 1/2] RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install openjdk-14-jre-headless gdal-bin tesseract-ocr...

This doesn't work either @mhf-ir ``` ./docker-tool.sh build 1.26 jar-alt-name tesseract-ocr-fra ... #9 9.069 --2021-06-07 19:53:48-- https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/tika/jar-alt-name-1.26.jar?filename=tika/jar-alt-name-1.26.jar&action=download #9 9.070 Resolving www.apache.org (www.apache.org)...,, 2a01:4f9:2a:1a61::2 #9 9.178 Connecting to www.apache.org...