Lewis Levin

Results 33 issues of Lewis Levin

...for Base.String -- use AbstractString ...for Base.Nothing -- use Void This is on Julia 0.4.1. So many warnings--dozens--I am surprised no one else has reported. Do I have some config...

A useful capability is writing a report on research or even just documenting the code. The exported notebook is a good starting point but usually can't stand as a finished...

## Details The formatting problem is obvious. output from Plotly or PlotlyJS (same problems): ![newplot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1149741/171962519-6cb8b439-9647-4986-aad6-64b444cb76c9.png) output from gr: ![gr output](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1149741/171962554-567fa5f4-3fb0-4738-baef-925effcf8ecc.png) Further, the dependency stack for Plotly and PlotlyJS is a...


I have a local package that I am developing. But, I receive the message "You opened a Julia package that is not part of your current environment. Do you want...

on MacOS ``` Nim-lang-code inim --withTools 👑 INim 0.6.1 Nim Compiler Version 1.6.2 [MacOSX: arm64] at /opt/homebrew/bin/nim nim> pwd() Error: cannot open file: src/inimpkg/commands nim> ls() Error: cannot open file:...

help wanted

`coalesce` no longer works as you describe. It must returns the first item that is missing. You must perhaps have left out `map(...)`? Sadly, I had to do: ` df[ismissing.(df.mycol),:mycol]...

For partial layouts that end with suffix -sori what is different and is the use of -sori version or without the suffix determined by choice of "casper" or "caspertwo"? Thanks.

Lots of warnings so it is a bit hard to parse these. Many are repeats but the chain seems to start with MAT. ``` WARNING: importing deprecated binding Base.Complex64 into...

It is shown clearly as an actual example in the Python formatting specification shown. It doesn't work.

This is a fragment of the very long error message: ```expected return statement, got ($(QuoteNode(PyCall.pyimport)))("sklearn.tree")``` This is the seemingly trivial code: ```using ScikitLearn @sk_import ensemble: AdaBoostClassifier @sk_import tree: DecisionTreeClassifier function...