
Results 11 issues of fantastic_levio

脑子一热,想开个中文帖。自己对qwe大神的keras-yolo3代码已经研读过一段时间,并且有一些收获和总结。大家有什么问题想中文交流的可以在下面提出来,用母语交流比较方便,我尽可能解决大家的问题。 同时,希望在这里能遇到跟我做相同研究的Chinese ^ o^,互相交流互相提升。 我关于yolo v3的总结写了一篇中文blog,希望对大家理解这个版本的yolo3有所帮助 需要进一步交流的,可以联系我的邮箱: [email protected]

thanks for your great work on PFE. when I tried to test IJB-A dataset, some issues occured. I download IJB-A from two different sources: 1. 2. however, none...

Thanks for sharing the nice work! I'm doing experiments with customed data. But I'm not clear with "UV unwrap" which is handled by DensePose. > ├── densepose // Store the...

Thanks for the great work. I need yolov9 for some seg works, where can I find the weight thanks!

without setting elevation_m, tilt.

I have got the punchline hahahahahahahaha hamaa

I print the `poses` from `poses =[:t].cpu().numpy()`, and got: ``` [[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0....