Jan Vincent B. Beltran, Ph.D.

Results 27 issues of Jan Vincent B. Beltran, Ph.D.

Hello! I ran FindVariableFeatures() on a subset celltype taken from a big seurat object and I got the followinf warning messages. I wonder if this can just be ignored or...

Hello. Do you have recommended list or source of cancer tumor datasets that can be used as reference for projecting samples in scmap?

Hello, good day. May I ask how can I repel the labels of the genes here so that they are readable? Thank you!!! ``` ModuleUMAPPlot( seurat_obj, edge.alpha=0.25, sample_edges=TRUE, edge_prop=0.1, #...


Hello. Aside from the scRNAseq data after Anti-PD1 treatment, do you have scRNAseq data before the treatment? I have only seen an accessible antiPD1 treated scRNAseq data at Single Cell...

Hi. How can I resolve this irlba error? When nv > 40 it always fail. Re-installing the irlba via `install_github("bwlewis/irlba", force = TRUE) ` also did not change anything. ```...

Hello. I am currently investigating platelets. May I ask whether SignacX also automatically annotate platelets? Thank you!

Hi Mathew, good day! I've been using your amazing package for more than a year already and it's my first time to encounter an issue now. I wonder if you...

Hello Mathew! Hope you're doing fine! I do neutrophil research and I'm a great fan of your SignacX, especially that other methods cannot identify of can only poorly identify neutrophils...

Hello. Is it possible to use rPanglaoDB R package to **merge** external Seurat objects? I have used Seurat `merge()` and scCustomize `Seurat_Merge_List()`, but my RStudio server keeps on crashing so...

Hello, I have two lines of commands here. One is `install.packages()` which successfully finished. But the second line `tensorflow::install_tensorflow()` failed. I don't understand why. Any advice, please? Thank you! ```...