Levi Brown
Levi Brown
I believe the following: _flags.targetRespondsToDidChange = [target respondsToSelector:@selector(stateWillChangeFrom:to:)]; was intended to be: _flags.targetRespondsToDidChange = [target respondsToSelector:@selector(stateDidChangeFrom:to:)];
I spent some time tracking this down (since I wasn't happy with the solution other contributors had suggested (see #9 ), and I believe I understand the issue and implications....
In `BLIPMessage.m` `_receivedFrameWithFlags: body:` line 365: `if( self.compressed && encodedLength>0 ) {` `self.compressed` refers to `_flags` which has not been updated with the flags passed into the method and therefore...
### Board Type RaspberryPi3, but not relevant. ### Operating System Raspbian, but not relevant. ### Swift Version Pre-built 5.1 ### Description Rather than call `abort()` when an operation is unsuccessful,...
# Summary The `init` for `Archive` currently is optional, but should throw instead. # Steps to Reproduce `public init?(url: URL, accessMode mode: AccessMode, preferredEncoding: String.Encoding? = nil)` # Expected Results...
When supplying a streamBlock to `ZZArchiveEntry archiveEntryWithFileName:compress:streamBlock:` the given output stream is of type `ZZDeflateOutputStream` which sometimes returns a zero when it doesn't mean it, causing problems. The docs for...
Hi There, As far as I can tell, and please correct me if I'm wrong, there are no high level APIs to perform the most probable use cases for a...
Specifically: `open` now checks the stream status before potentially opening again (and leaking memory). `close` now checks stream status before attempting to close (potentially closing an already closed stream). Also...
Hello, If I create a directory entry using `[ZZArchiveEntry archiveEntryWithDirectoryName:name]` where `name` does not end with a `\` (slash) the resulting archive is invalid and attempting to decompress results in...
Hi There, I've attached an Xbox One controller to my MacBook Pro running 10.14.6 (18G87) and launch gsplus which seems to recognize the joystick. However, any game I try will...