svg-icon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svg-icon copied to clipboard

An ultimate SVG icons collection DONE RIGHT, with over 10,000 SVG icons out of the box.

Results 20 svg-icon issues
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Hey, that's a great collection you've compiled there. One thing that's preventing me from using it currently, is that the licenses of each font aren't included. Also I wonder if...


The material icon set 'broken-image' has a huge non-filled, second path that is hundreds of times larger than its viewBox. The current source at doesn't have that problem. Same...


There’s a syntax error in [dist/svg/game/originals-chess-knight.svg]( ```svg id="defs4976" /> ``` Please note the `id="defs4976" />`.


I make a small little PHP tool to transform your SVG Icons to pure CSS, hope you are fine with this an give it a try:

Hello, Here are some new font collections, can I request adding please? CC0 license project: SVG files: license: SIL Open Font License, version 1.1 Google noto-emoji -...


Why is `phantom` needed as a dependency instead of devDependency? My install of `svg-icon` failed because installing `phantomjs-prebuilt` needs to call out to the internet, which fails inside our CI...

- [ ] better information architecture - [ ] better theme - [ ] icons searching - [ ] selected icons previewing - [ ] defined prefix for symbols -...


when installed as dependency, and use `npm install --no-bin-links`, the module causes error. ``` verbose stack RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded ```


To later change a previously exported configuration, please provide a way to export the current config and later import it again in order to modify.
