Dylan Ancel

Results 7 comments of Dylan Ancel

Hi 🙋 This was discussed a long time ago on gitter but the api changed a lot since then. At the time, a few things were implemented: - [`StorageId`](https://github.com/leudz/shipyard/blob/0eb8840f692bd298965d39513806c3888cec90fc/src/storage/mod.rs#L20) is...

Apparently I choose the wrong day to not look at the forum :laughing: Just so everyone can follow, [here's a link](https://users.rust-lang.org/t/scripting-design-for-shipyard-ecs/44169). I read the forum's discussion but I'm pretty sure...

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I knew someone on zulip used Python with shipyard so I asked them a few questions. I also looked into pyo3 and...

"Level 2" will be built on top of "level 1". And yes in theory users could make it but it'll involve a lot of `unsafe` so shipyard will provide it,...

It's an interesting project, very ambitious. I'm going to check what needs to be done for "level 1", if it's not much work, I'll do it. If it requires more...

Hey! I don't think you can help yet but I've made some progress on what I have to do before taking care of this issue. Shared components should be bug...

No waste of time, don't worry. Best of luck for your project =)