 You can create a question directly from a page. You have three options: "Add existing element", "Create new question set" or "Create new question". Incorrectly, if you click on...
Could the value of an attribute (hence a given answer) be used as input in another question?
1. Hilfetext zu Beschreibung und Katalog wie z.B. “Der Fragenkatalog der für dieses Projekt verwendet wird.“ sollte oben drüber stehen, nicht unten drunter, konsistenz zu wie es auch im Fragenkatalog...
Combine two conditions with a "and" (so far they are only combined with an "or"-connection)
If you import a changed catalog which is part of another catalog, the differences should be somehow visible.
It would be nice to export not only the questions (and answers) as PDF, but also the help texts. The tool tips are not so important.