I actually started to add typescript support but now the drag function and progress slider isn't working anymore. Do you think you could help me with that?
@Enter-tainer Thank you for the really quick answer, that is precisely what I need. But don't you think it would be more accessible for new user if that would work...
@gfauredev Do you think we can sort the glossary? I'm aiming on creating a glossary which looks something like the following, although I don't need it to be this fancy...
> > @gfauredev Do you think we can sort the glossary? > > [Glossarium](https://typst.app/universe/package/glossarium) already sorts alphabetically the glossary entries. However, I think you might have to tweak it a...
You're right. I couldn't find it either. Generally it seems they don't like to merge contributions to the master branch so your best bet at the moment is to fork...