Leti Esperón
Leti Esperón
Hi! I noticed searching by multiple words, triggers a query that searches by each of the individual words (smart search). https://github.com/jbox-web/ajax-datatables-rails/blob/b79f3bfc78142516583616e66a37004c7d98fdd4/lib/ajax-datatables-rails/orm/active_record.rb#L55 I couldn't find any way to disable this behaviour...
The following part of the README: ``` The [Devise README](https://github.com/plataformatec/devise#activejob-integration) describes how to use ActiveJob to deliver emails in the background. Normally you would place the following code in your...
Currently, devise mailer sends the reset password instructions email to the resource email: https://github.com/heartcombo/devise/blob/29943a26e61d68198666c59e07457dba3c75f581/lib/devise/mailers/helpers.rb#L34 But with multiple emails, you might want to get the reset password instructions to the email...
Google Places Detail provides a field called `user_ratings_total`. Is there a reason why this is not an attribute on the `Spot` model? Thank you!