oocgcm copied to clipboard
oocgcm is a python library for the analysis of large gridded geophysical dataset.
In practice this means that one need to use coordinates from grid objects in order to plot fields and one cannot rely on xarray plotting methods. This may be an...
for equation of state related quantities we need to test the compatibility of chunks and grid_location of xarray dataarrays before applying a function that works on numpy arrays. This can...
The functionnality available in [GriddedData.py](https://github.com/lesommer/codes/blob/master/GriddedData.py) for coarsening a 2d field or reorganizing an array for building statistics out from values in a box would be a neat feature for oocgcm....
if yes : see this [list of xml parser](https://github.com/teoliphant/awesome-python#html-manipulation) and this [library](https://github.com/stchris/untangle)
We could think of a think wrapper for xarray.plot and iris. see [xarray plots](http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/plotting.html)