Sinuhé Coronel

Results 27 comments of Sinuhé Coronel

I see this behavior even in non-showcase mode, specifically when there are less than 20 NFTs to list. Haven't gone through the code, but I'm guessing the loop has a...

We've tracked down the issue to be related to the UUID. For some reason, when using anything but the Open Beacon UUID it's not picked up. We'll keep testing stuff.

Feels like a duplicate of #991. You're trying to use `ui-kitten` in `react-native-web` (or `expo-web` in this case), and you need to make Webpack transpile `node_modules` or you'll face these...

I think this should be out of scope for UI Kitten, there's some powerful and simple libraries like [react-native-animatable]( that can be easily integrated with this library 🤔

You may find this PR useful:

Would a simple `except (AttributeError, ImportError)` work? 🤔

I had this exact need and ended up writing a custom serializer, which would _"prettify"_ the request and response bodies and _"uglify"_ them on deserialization (mutating the request length as...

My understanding is that BSD-licensed software can be used in MIT-licensed software. The patent provision allows for `android-jsc` to be freely used by anyone on anything... so I wouldn't say...

Well, this is awkard. I just had the same issue and fixed it... but your issue is several months old. I'll still answer anyway. That error is thrown by ``...

I'm also not renewing my license until this issue gets resolved.