Lloyd Smith

Results 5 issues of Lloyd Smith

There's a requirement brought about by the logic in `getSeriesMap` and it's uses in `ember-highcharts/components/high-charts` that all series names' are unique within a single chart. I thought that this was...

Add a test case showing that `{{action 'foo' value='target.foo'`` is preserved by the transform. As discussed in the thread: https://discord.com/channels/480462759797063690/480462759797063692/1107915351829794836 > an the angle-bracket codemod + ember-template-lint and i have...

now that https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/176 is close to being ratified, now might be a good time to align the api here with the conventions in that RFC. i only leave this comment...

When rendering a dynamic list of components such as: ``` {{#each items as |item|}} {{#draggable-object content=item dragHandle='.some-drag-handle'}} {{component item.componentImplName item=item}} {{/draggable-object}} {{/item}} ``` For the initial render, everything works perfectly....

Demo URL doesn't load for me: https://ember-datepicker.development.pagefrontapp.com/ I get this message: ``` This site can’t be reachedember-datepicker.development.pagefrontapp.com refused to connect. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall...