
Results 2 issues of leroldary

Using `eth_sign` and then verifying the signature (recovering the address) the recovered address in sometimes wrong. E.g. Signing the data `0x68bfc34d28afcb7ae03691816548965dffba6c427c79d15fe6ef548384395fb0` with the address `0xe3aAd2d4f9545D3cE53Bb5cd9Ca929a9f7995837` the result of TrustWallet is...

Using EIP-712 (eth_signTypedData_v3) with the provided example data an invalid signature is produced. Ios version of trust wallet had the same problem (https://github.com/TrustWallet/trust-wallet-ios/issues/967, now fixed). Example: https://dicether.github.io/js-eth-personal-sign-examples/ ("Sign Typed Data...