
Results 3 issues of leqq00

我在渲染的时候想把某个值调用我封装的函数处理,他就会报错误,这个怎么解决? 我是[email protected] for browser 这个版本

cannot get, wait error=Get https://service.electron.build/find-build-agent?no-cache=1esa63r: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed...

原因 用户名中文名导致的 解决办法: 希望官方加上: args.push("-INPUTCHARSET", "UTF8"); 打开 node_module/app-builder-lib/out/targets/nsis/NsisTarget.js文件,在 executeMakensis 方法中加入我们所需的参数。 //node_module/app-builder-lib/out/targets/nsis/NsisTarget.js async executeMakensis(defines, commands, script) { const args = this.options.warningsAsErrors === false ? [] : ["-WX"]; //此处新增 这里很重要 args.push("-INPUTCHARSET", "UTF8");...
