Leonardo Vieira

Results 7 comments of Leonardo Vieira

what is the name of the discord executable? the script looks for any that start with `Discord`

if you reinstalled discord it shouldn't be there anymore. as documented in the [usage section](https://github.com/leovoel/BeautifulDiscord#usage), to remove the styling you have to invoke the script with the `--revert` flag. if...

sure, sounds fine to add this. i'd rather put it behind a flag of some sort though. i'd also like to make it toggleable, i.e. you can pass either `--experimental-features`...

can you clarify? not sure i understand your issue

was the `app.asar` extracted? if it was, can you check inside `index.js` and look for `mainWindow.webContents.on('dom-ready',`? if both of those are true it should be working, strange...

it needs to be added to this file: https://github.com/leovoel/embed-visualizer/blob/master/src/components/codemodal.jsx i don't like the duplication here, though. i think i'd rather parametrize it and keep it in one file

it's on the internet archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20051213220800/http://yugop.com/ver2/works/monalisa.swf