
Results 6 issues of leoujz

now in the tool, dpt can be assigned to 1bit, 1byte, 2byte, etc. is there a way to assign specified sub-dpt type, such as 5.001, 5.005

This package still active? By my test, ``` PermissionService.grant({role:'registered', model:'sth', action:'update', relation:'role'}) PermissionService.grant({role:'registered', model:'sth', action:'update', relation:'owner'}) ``` Then, 'put /sth/:id' can only be accessed by the user who owns the...

example 0003_esp8266_esp32_send_data crashes after "Connected to AP", running on Arduino IDE, on ESP32 dev module, with ``` #define USING_HTTPS false #define ENCRYPTED false ``` After comparing with another example, finally...

目前看,域名解析只支持HTTP, HTTPS,可以支持TCP/UDP吗?
