Song Liu

Results 48 comments of Song Liu

> Not yet. What type of proxy are you thinking of? SOCKs5? A reverse proxy? Is there a specific use case you have in mind? I mean reverse proxy. If...

I will dig into the source code of `algernon` tomorrow. And after that hope I can estimate whether I can finish this function.

I'm now ready for a reverse proxy with go and built-in libraries. But I confused how to add and read reverse proxy configuration infomations. Any advice?

某种程度上也可以说是命名的问题,取的名字有很大概率会重名(现有的、将来的关键字&函数名)。 比如,加一个前缀: ```javascript Object.prototype._watch = function () { // your code here } ``` 重名的概率就要小很多啦

Of cause. I'll upgrade it to support 2.x when I am free later.

Local building using rancher-compose would upload images to s3. To fixed this, can build as local image using docker-compose and replace `build` with `image` see also:

@shadowtime2000 @ije Thanks. I had many components building and composing with class names from tailwindcss, for example: ```html const btnBase = css`$tw{inline-flex py-3 px-5 rounded-lg items-center focus:outline-none}`; const btnPrimary =...

Same issue by GUI tools like postman, insomnia etc.

Hi @sebastianwebber , sorry for reply so late. A sample like a query of deep nested relationships. ``` { student { id name class { id name teacher { id...

> I am not sure but I think Hasura's server is implemented in Haskell. I maybe wrong. Yes, you are right. Hasura was built with Haskell. I wanna keep...