Are you ssh'ing into your raspberry through your macos? On a ssh session configurations from your terminal and the raspberry can mix, possibly causing some issues.
I don't have the knowledge to fix this but I know that vimwiki/vimwiki has link conceal and it works in numbered lists, if that is useful somehow.
Same here. No syntax at all for i3config. Manually inserted `ftplugin/i3config.vim` and `syntax/i3config.vim` back as a workarround.
> Hello, I am experiencing the same problem here. How did you exactly fix your issue @leoperegrino ? It seems that the vim repo has already merged the i3config syntax...
@astrojuanlu @SamuelMarks it does support `https` (https://www.pydocstyle.org/) but the website is only configured in the `www` subdomain. This [PR](https://github.com/PyCQA/pydocstyle/pull/611) changed only the protocol without checking the subdomain.
bump. this would be useful for those who already are running nginx images and prefer not to switch. I use `linuxserver/nginx` which has few modifications such as configurations mountpoints (`/config`),...
### What if the metadata generation was done client-side? Clients **could** implement the aggregation of the data they receive, sign it and send back to the relay. Other clients **could**...
@staab thank you for the reply. I think the `since` filter and the statistical analysis are very promising. A few comments/suggestions: 1. The `since` filter could also be implemented by...
> If a metadata event isn't found, the client can then manually request all the metadata and sign an up to date meta event to be precise, I think you...