Leon Sasson

Results 9 comments of Leon Sasson

I added a pre-send event to push.js on my fork, which can be usedful for this kind of stuff. Check it out: leonsas/ratchet@175d313

Same. It seems to only happen sporadically. Any thoughts on where to look for a bug — either on my own codebase or on ratchet's?

It only happens on iOS. Android works fine.

@JayHoltslander Doesn't seem to solve it for me.

+1 Most use of keen would be in request-response cycles and blocking calls is less than ideal. I've been deferring calls to my async workers, but it is more complicated...

How about making it optional to the user. Perhaps with a `async` kwarg to `.add_event` (and other blocking methods). Even something like initializing `KeenClient` with an optional `async` kwarg and...

Hmm we'll see. I doubt I have time for this! I haven't looked at the code, but this shouldn't take a lot of effort/time.

How about grequests, and making it an optional dependency, only to be used if async functionality is desired? It adds Gevent as a dependency, but would make it super simple...