Leon Lan
Leon Lan
This issue keeps track of plans for a new major release of VRPLIB. This is a long-term goal and will be developed in parallel with the needs of PyVRP. `vrplib`...
This PR drops support for Python 3.8.
PyVRP uses the DIMACS rounding convention for two of its benchmark sets. This rounding convention can be added to the VRPLIB format so that we don't have to pass a...
VRPLIB format currently does not support data about arc duration/distances. This could be nice because (1) explicit full matrices are too large to save and contain many redundant values and...
 d-d-document! PyVRP is increasingly relying on VRPLIB and we are planning to extend the VRPLIB instance to support more VRP variants. I think it’s a good moment start making...
It is currently assumed that all data sections are presented as tabular data, which is then conveniently parsed using `np.genfromtxt`. This may be too restrictive for more general VRP variants....
A long-term goal is to supersede the TSPLIB95 specification. See [here](http://comopt.ifi.uni-heidelberg.de/software/TSPLIB95/). Note to self: - `DISPLAY_DATA_TYPE: NO_DISPLAY` means that the array is unformatted.
VRPLIB currently raises an error when the file is empty, but it's better to raise a warning instead if this is the case.
The way that `vrplib` parses instances and solutions allows for very general formats, e.g., custom specifications and data sections in instances. Since we do not know what kind of data...
Hi @whchien, thanks for building this scraper! I was using this recently from the CLI and I noticed that some args are not correctly parsed. For example, running the command...