Leonid Sviderskii
Leonid Sviderskii
Free screenshot comparison cannot be easy :) [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcoHSjrhXo4&list=PLP9o9QNnQuAYhotnIDEUQNXuvXL7ZmlyZ&index=15), Gleb was explaining the things related to the question.
Hi Steve, Gleb has prepared[ this playlist of video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=432Il-_hVrQ&list=PLP9o9QNnQuAYhotnIDEUQNXuvXL7ZmlyZ&index=1) re: component testing using this package
We have the same/similar sporadic failures with Webkit on GHA. I set up a temp workflow where 7 Webkit jobs are running in parallel (on our self-hosted runners) every hour....
@Ioanna2001 did you face the same issue?