Leonel Galán

Results 19 comments of Leonel Galán

Could you add your Setttings class? Use a ```language name ... ``` block to syntax highlight: ruby and maybe yml.

@swang can you review this? Previous maintainers where adamant about not having a _.coffeelintrc_ option, but there is a good number of issues #362 (this), #145, #153, or https://github.com/AtomLinter/linter-coffeelint/issues/51.

I'm very late to the party, but what you want is to make "media" uncountable, and there is a method for that: ``` ruby inflect.uncountable 'media' ``` So you don't...

I was going to post an issue, but it seems this covers it. On `getQueryValues` when the param is not found (`valueString === null`) instead of reading the `defaultValue` from...

Hi @aximuseng, you have a single distribution with multiple buckers configured as origins? Carrier-wave, should simply handle the upload, and if the files are uploading to the different buckets you...

> I have the exact same issue. @leonelgalan did you find a fix? No, I just stopped using Chalice. I'm using CDK and [Lambda Powertools Python](https://awslabs.github.io/aws-lambda-powertools-python/latest/) instead.

Yeah, but I discovered that handlers are only "triggered" at the end of the playbook's run. So if we install bundler, we need to manually `rbenv rehash` in order to...

@oyeanuj I did the update recently, haven't had the time to compile a list of rules that classify all the changes, but I have a single commit (private repo) that...

@elquimista what plugin do you use to show the tooltip with the matched types?