Leon Eckert
Leon Eckert
Okay, thanks for coming back to me! I thought maybe a solution has been found already. Is the problem maybe the 3D model that's being used? Feels like the model...
(list in progress) ENGLISH checklist of ads hidden but not collected - [ ] si.com - [ ] cnn.com (2 hidden, 0 collected) - [ ] http://www.forbes.com/ (0 collected) -...
- [x] yahoo ads were hidden but not collected because internal link. Fixed in https://github.com/dhowe/AdNauseam/pull/464
- [ ] http://www.accuweather.com/ there is massive ads all over, which get hidden, but do not show up in parser.js console nor are they collected. Are those the so called...
pages analysed in https://github.com/dhowe/AdNauseam/issues/427 in which ads were hidden but not collected. working on this next. - [x] http://www.nytimes.com/ - [x] http://www.nbcnews.com/ - [x] https://www.yahoo.com/news - [ ] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/ -...
^ going through above websites. Is there a proven method to definitively say what ads are not collected? What I experience often is that an ad is not collected 5...
working on this right now. Downloading into a folder is not possible (because security, chrome doesn't let you define paths to store things). Trying out zips now, also because it's...
This seems almost solved - though I spent the last 2 hours on callback complications that I could still not fix. For above reasons I found exporting the images is...
1) I create the zip, 2) create a folder inside it, 3) then, for each url, I create base64 imageData and append it to the folder - this works for...
okay, in the `getBase64(url)` function I posted above, the pixels of the image are actually downloaded from remote (through creating an image element and adjusting its src) and put onto...