Leonardo Araujo dos Santos
Leonardo Araujo dos Santos
Hi, I've cloned the code today and try the training and got the following error ```bash python3 train.py /home/leoara01/work/yolo2-pytorch/darknet.py:214: UserWarning: Implicit dimension choice for softmax has been deprecated. Change the...
Hi @ruiminshen, thanks for the project. Could you show me how should I train for the yolo v1 (Tiny)? Do I need to change the config.ini file? (I already downloaded...
### References * [Pytorch Issue Message](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/9) * [Pytorch Discussion](https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/torchvision-transfors-how-to-perform-identical-transform-on-both-image-and-target/10606/6) * [Pytorch Discussion 2](https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/joint-transforms-for-torchvision-datasets-vocsegmentation/46779)
Use AX Library #### References * https://ax.dev/docs/bayesopt
### Introducion When num_class equal to the number of labels I get a Nan (Even after playing with learning rate)
Hi Guys I'm trying to classify images with the pre-loaded models but something is strange.... $ th classify.lua resnet-34.t7 ImgnetCat.jpg Classes for ImgnetCat.jpg 0.0075856610201299 bucket, pail 0.0070607061497867 hook, claw 0.0061263972893357...