
Results 9 issues of leonardb

Would love to see a utility method for handling upsert pattern and automated conflict resolution. Feature should allow for 'partial update' of document. I know it's not part of the...

When performing a schema only dump we receive the following warning: ``` pg_dump: [sorter] WARNING: could not resolve dependency loop among these items: pg_dump: [sorter] TABLE conversion_daily (ID 357 OID...

```Although the line terminator for the start-line and header fields is the sequence CRLF, a recipient MAY recognize a single LF as a line terminator and ignore any preceding CR.```...

Branch: 1.9.0-beta Erl: 20.3 When deploying we've noticed a number of nodes with crashes caused by corrupted GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz downloads and it has been quite difficult to replicate After trial and...

help wanted

the `git://` format url is no longer supported by github

I'm busy upgrading rebar3 from a much older version. When building a `tar` with a `--relname` different to the application name the building of the tar fails as it's looking...

Keep cli args when building tarball since relname is used for sourcing files to archive Fixes: #2814

Move the config/settings into persistent terms rather than use application env. Purely for performance as `application:get_env` requires an ETS lookup where persistent_term is highly optimized for reads

FDB allows for: `tls_ca_path` `tls_ca_bytes` `tls_key_path` `tls_key_bytes` `tls_cert_path` `tls_cert_bytes` When erlfdb inits using the `path` env values I can connect to the cluster and use the DB. If I use...