Leon Adler
Leon Adler
Your file name includes a question mark "What is El Nino and La Nina?.md"
@bnysten don't hijack the issue, this is not the place to report bugs. Please report the bug with the appropriate logs in the [maintained fork](https://github.com/ExchangeCalendar/exchangecalendar/).
Use the plugin from the fork in #610. Close your issue if it resolves your problems.
Forms inside forms don't seem to be valid HTML, if I'm not mistaken. That seems to cause happy-dom to become unhappy-dom: > https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#prohibitions > "form must not contain other form...
@malapradej #610
@jegjessing could you try it with the linked fork and close this issue if it resolves it? This fork by ericsson is not maintained anymore.
This repo is not maintained / seems to be dead. The fork in #610 might fix your problem, otherwise report it there (here, nobody will read it)