
Results 9 issues of leon945945

Encountering the error info, but I have no idea what's wrong with the fastq file. hifiasm: Overlaps.cpp:24087: void asg_arc_rest(asg_t*, asg_t*, uint32_t, uint32_t, ma_ug_t*, kvec_asg_arc_t_warp*, ma_hit_t_alloc*, ma_sub_t*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t*):...

Hi, I estimated the genome size with HiFi data, the estimated genome size is 328Mb with 1.02% hetorozygosity: ![plot](https://github.com/chhylp123/hifiasm/assets/61004157/2387e38c-6636-4ce0-bdab-ce56e94f5bc4) I assembled the primary genome and phased genome with HiC data...

Hi, I used this command to call variants with bcftools, but I felt that bcftools ran not fast as before, it has run over 18 hours, only called 11Mb sequence...

Hi, I used `braker3` to annotated my phased haplotypes, and I annotated this two haplotypes with hard-masked and soft-masked genome, separately. Results: hard-masked hap1: 22396 hard-masked hap2: 23017 soft-masked hap1:...


Hi, I ran `braker` by `singularity` to annotate one eukaryotic genome, the resulting gene number of `braker` is 22396, the resulting gene number of `EVM` is 23960, but the expected...


Hi, I want to get the orthologs of one certain gene (anchor gene) with orthofinder, then I ran orthofinder with the proteins of some species, however when I reran orthofinder...

Hi, I took use of `meryl` to identify individual-specific kmers with `difference` subcommand as below: `meryl difference paternal.meryl/ maternal.meryl/ output paternal-specific.meryl` `meryl difference maternal.meryl/ paternal.meryl/ output maternal-specific.meryl` following the `differnece`...

Hi, I took use of `regioncounts` to calculate methylation degree at some regions: > seqnames ranges strand > > 11 V-P1 194583-194983 + > 12 V-P1 194587-194987 + > 97...

Hi, as the title descripts, can `biopython` get the gap/mismatch positions of alignment, I didn't find a function to implement it.