
Results 7 issues of Leohearts

for my blog and personal projects :

org.GodOfHacker.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: 怎么办, 有没有大佬能帮帮我

### 功能改进 I'm using Auto_Bangumi behind Cloudflare Access ( Zero trust ) which already uses it's own authentication method. Can we have this feature, so we won't need to authenticate...

feature request

I'm trying to make a [tool](https://github.com/leohearts/MaimaiDataConverter/blob/7acb0820183ac63e608ef575c494266a6dca5802/app.py#L101) to migrate these data across maimai versions for playing abroad . However exported data doesn't include full combo/full sync status.

make prefer_ipv4 configurable

I'm looking for a tool to sync my channel to Mastodon. Is this supposed to be a feature in this bot? 🐱 If so, I'll try to write it and...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. 您所请求的功能是否和某个问题有关?如果有,请说明** No **Describe the solution you'd like 描述您想要的功能** build a flatpak version and use flathub bot to automate builds. **Describe...