Leonardo Grasso

Results 453 comments of Leonardo Grasso

> * re "Define the number of previous releases that will receive patches or security updates and the duration of this support": I would be very careful with signing up...

> * Since this is just the proposal where will the final doc live, under governance? The governance is intended for the overall project, not for components. So, I thought...

> * We also need a plan for undesired changes ... what if a config is broken and can't be fixed? It happened before. Could you provide an example? Thanks!

> Remember the `-d` flag just broke and we simply could not fix it, hence we decided to just remove it. I agree it may be less likely to happen...

/milestone 0.38.0 since this is not a blocker for the current release.

@falcosecurity/falco-maintainers please review :pray:

> allow an **opt-in** to remove the timestamp :+1:

Any updates on this? Is there any blocker? :thinking:

I still have to double-check, but I believe the 2nd option is ok. cc @falcosecurity/falco-maintainers wdyt?